Altar Servers - Men and boys who have received First Holy Communion are invited to learn how to serve for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms of the Mass
Altar Societies - Care for altar linens, vestments, candles and flowers
Festival and Special Event Planners
Food Pantry - Accepts donations of non-perishable foods, grocery cash cards and cash to distribute food to families in five zip codes that are in need of assistance. Donations are accepted at both churches, and the food is distributed on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month.
Gardeners - Volunteers help keep our church grounds looking beautiful during spring clean-up and throughout the year
Holy Name Society
Knights of Columbus - Bishop Joseph C. Plagens Council #13318
Knights of St. John International - Sweetest Heart of Mary Commandery #171
Musicians - see Music page
Sweetest Heart of Mary Ladies' Guild
Women’s Bible Study Group
Wedding Coordinators - Coordinators attend a weekday evening rehearsal to practice all aspects of the wedding ceremony from start to finish; assist on the day of the wedding by organizing the wedding party and preparing and restoring the sanctuary before and after the wedding Mass
Young Adults and Families Group - contact