Catholic Foundation of Michigan Grant aids parish food pantry
Mother of Divine Mercy parish is pleased to announce the receipt of a $5,000 grant from the Catholic Foundation of Michigan for our parish Food Pantry. The award will enable the Food Pantry to grow its surrounding neighborhood client base through wider advertisement of its services, and to purchase additional food for new clients. Funding was awarded from the Foundation’s “Church in the City Endowment" that provides support for evangelization, Catholic education and faith formation, service and outreach to help build vibrant Catholic communities in the city. Our selection as a grant recipient recognizes the importance of the Food Pantry’s social outreach mission and enables expansion of its client base while continuing to serve our neighbors in and around the Forest Park community of Detroit surrounding St. Josaphat and Sweetest Heart of Mary. We appreciate the support of the Catholic Foundation of Michigan!
Sweetest Heart of Mary
selected as one of the Top 3 Churches in Detroit!
The Detroit Catholic featured the exciting discovery in an article posted on April 10, 2019
EWTN on April 12, 2019 concluded their “News Nightly” program with a story about the destroyed organ at St. Josaphat and the stain glass window that was revealed with its removal. Click to view the video!
EWTN NEWS DIRECT LINK - (or click below for the entire program - the story on St. Josaphat is at 21;50)
The destroyed organ and the stained glass marvel it’s removal revealed! EWTN concluded their nightly news program on April 12, 2019 with this story!
Detroit - City of Design
In December 2015, Detroit became the first American city to be named a UNESCO City of Design. Sweetest Heart of Mary Church is featured in the video submitted in the application to UNESCO by Emmy Award–winning filmmaker Stephen McGee. The video highlighted Detroit's historic and present-day relationship with design, and can be viewed here at the Architectural Digest website.
Detroit Mass Mob Visits St. Josaphat Church - August 9, 2015
On August 9, 2015, the Detroit Mass Mob came to St. Josaphat Church! Last summer, the Mass Mob visited our St. Joseph and Sweetest Heart of Mary Churches. On August 9, Masses were at Noon (English) and 9 a.m. (Solemn High Tridentine). Our pastor Fr. Greg Tokarski celebrated both Masses. At the Noon Mass, Fr. Jim Lowe, CC, chaplain at Wayne State University, concelebrated, Deacon Joe Lennon assisted, and our Schola Cantorum sang. What a beautiful and blessed day! The Detroit Free Press reported on the event the day before, and Fox2 Detroit aired a story that night. Photos are here, and a wonderful video is below:
Detroit Mass Mob Visits Sweetest Heart of Mary Church - July 2014
On July 13, 2014, the Detroit Mass Mob came to Sweetest Heart of Mary for the 10 a.m. Mass. Over 1800 people, perhaps 2000, were in attendance; it was standing room only. What a blessed and magnificent day! The story was picked up by The Michigan Catholic and Detroit Free Press, and a lovely six minute piece aired on WKAR public radio. Photos are here, and two videos are below: